Pasinda कबाब
These thin meat slices roasted on skewers have exotic flavors wrapped around them, that makes this a succulent and tasteful dish.
- A slab of lean meat 450 gm
- Butter for basting
- Black peppercorns 16
- Cardamoms 5
- Cloves 5
- Coconut, desiccated 30 gm
- Cumin (jeera) seeds 1 tsp
- Garlic cloves, chopped 10
- Ginger, chopped 15 gm
- Kachri (tenderizer) 1 tsp
- or
- Nutmeg (jaiphal) powder 1.25 gm
- Onions, chopped 60 gm
- Poppy seeds (khus khus) 1 tsp
- Raw papaya paste 7.5 gm
- Red chilli powder 1 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Yogurt 2/3 cup
- Cut meat into slices 3 1/2 inches long.
- 1 1/4 inches wide and three-fourths of an inch thick.
- Cut the slice into half without cutting through.
- Leaving a join at the end.
- Open the cut halves to make a single strip, approximately 6 inches long.
- Beat the joints with the back of a knife to flatten them a bit.
- In a mixer blend together cloves, cardamoms, papaya or kachri, garlic, onion, ginger, cumin, coconut, nutmeg, peppercorns, poppy seeds and yogurt.
- Add red chilli powder and salt.
- Coat the strips with this mixture and leave to marinade for 3 hours.
- Weave the skewer in and out of the meat strips at 4 points, at regular intervals.
- The meat will resemble a wavy line, with the skewer running through its centre.
- Roast over an open charcoal fire or barbeque for 10 minutes.
- When one side is cooked, baste with butter and roast again for 3-5 minutes.
- Serve with salad, sliced onions, green chillies and finely cut mint leaves.
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